1. Lauren a says:

    This is so helpful. I am planning my trip and couldn’t be more thankful for your detailed recommendations

  2. Sara says:

    Hi! I just wanted to say that I am so impressed with this blog. I have scoured the internet researching Mallorca for my trip this summer and keep coming back to this one. Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this. It is so appreciated!

  3. Sarai says:

    How safe did you feel leaving your belongings on the beach? Or did you have someone with your belongings the entire time? Thankful for this. Planning on visiting for my honeymoon. Thanks so much!

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      If we were carrying anything valuable, we always had someone wait with the stuff. If it was just towels and clothes, we left it on the beach no problem.

  4. brenda Ness says:

    Do you reccomend staying in port del soller or somewhere up the mountain, soller/deia?

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      Port de Soller, Soller and Deia are all lovely to stay in. You can’t go wrong with either. Port de Soller is nice though because it’s a waterfront – lots of food and water options.

  5. Claudia Frau says:

    Shelbi!! This was incredibly helpful – thanks so much for taking the time to put it together. I have to ask, what time did you get to all of the Calas to get those amazing shots without people in the background?! I’m spending my 30th this Summer in Mallorca and I can’t wait!

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      It depends on the cala, we were usually there in the mornings starting around 9 AM and would stay until early afternoon! Have a great trip!

  6. Codi says:

    We are planning a trip to Mallorca and wondered if it’s best to stay in one location, possibly Deia for the 5 days we will be there? Or should we split our stay in different towns, like 2 days in Palma and 2 days in Deia?

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      If you only have 5 days I personally would stay in one place so you don’t waste time moving from one hotel to another, and just explore doing day trips.

  7. Divya says:

    Hi! Thanks so much for this blog, has been very helpful with my own planning for this Sept!
    Wondering if you have any recommendations for boat trips – keen to do a day on the boat! Thanks!

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      Definitely rent a boat. We did it twice, but didn’t like the ones we did because the prettier calas weren’t accessible from the areas we rented. So when you select a company, make sure the calas you want to visit are close by and accessible!

  8. Sara says:

    This guide has made me so excited for my first trip to Mallorca. Thank you for sharing everything with us; you are such an inspiration. I have one question: what time of day did you visit Valldemosa and other places to get those nice pictures without direct sunlight and shadows?

    • Bucket List Bums says:

      Have a great trip, it’s an amazing island! We actually visited different places at different times of the day depending on light direction. But Valldemosa we did go early morning for even light and less people, but I think we also got lucky with light cloud cover, so that made everything pretty even.

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